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Nail and Foot Fungus Treatment

High quality natural and medical products

Best, Fastest and Most Effective Way to Treat Nail and Foot Fungus

Do it daily – like a ritual!

Soak your feet in warm water

For soaking your feet, use a comfortable basin or a massage bath, mix foot soak, tea tree, manuka oil, oregano oil or another antiseptic agent into the water, effective against nail fungus. (It is recommended to alternate the remedy from time to time)

Pedicure time

Remove dead skin with foot scrub and pedicure tools, trim the nails if necessary, or slightly file them down. (You can also use electronic tools for the removal of dead skin)

Pedicure tools disinfection

Disinfect pedicure tools with the appropriate solutions. It is also recommended to periodically disinfect home floors, if possible.

Foot disinfection and cleansing

After a pedicure, wash your feet with a disinfectant soap or cleanser and dry them with a towel.

Foot treatment

Nail fungus often begins with a foot fungus, which frequently resides between the toes. Therefore, it is recommended, especially if the skin on the feet or between the toes is cracked and itchy, to apply a healing spray, cream or ointment to the toes and feet.

Nail treatment

For nail treatment, use natural or medicinal remedies, paches. As an auxiliary measure, you can utilize laser therapy (for example, applying a remedy in the morning and using a laser light device in the evening). For severe or extreme cases of nail fungus, it is always recommended to consult with your doctor.

Supplements for better results

Use oregano oil or probiotics, supplements designed for the treatment of nail fungus. Stress weakens the immune system, so it is additionally recommended to use stress-reducing and immune-boosting supplements. The body will find it easier to combat nail fungus, especially in extreme or advanced cases.

Supplements for faster results

The duration of nail fungus treatment depends on the rate of nail growth. By using supplements designed to strengthen and promote nail growth, better results can be achieved not only during treatment but also in preventing nail and foot fungus.

Footwear disinfection

Nail fungus thrives in moist footwear, if your shoes get wet, use a shoe dryer. Regularly disinfect your shoes and socks with a spray or cleanser designed for this purpose. If you notice a bad odor coming from your shoes, there's a high chance it's caused by foot fungus, which often resides between the toes. Therefore, it is recommended to not only disinfect your shoes but also use sprays, powders, or creams on your feet that reduce perspiration and eliminate foot fungus. (wear breathable shoes and moisture wicking socks with bacteria eliminating properties)

Change dietary habits

Nail fungus can thrive more rapidly due to a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, as these can promote fungal growth. Additionally, excessive alcohol intake may also exacerbate the condition. A balanced diet with reduced sugar intake is generally recommended for managing nail fungus.

Change your lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle, including good sleep, hygiene, regular exercise, and lower stress levels, can boost the immune system, helping the body fight nail or foot fungus more effectively.

Using each additional method in nail fungus treatment enhances healing effectiveness

Combine these methods for a faster and more effective nail fungus cure. Maximize your results!


Disinfecting shoes, socks and floor prevents reinfection


When treating nail fungus, use auxiliary methods like foot soaks, supplements, and laser treatment


Change your diet, lifestyle, and reduce stress levels


Combining different methods speeds up and boosts healing

Got questions?

Feel free to ask anything about foot or nail fungus or even about products on our website. As we find free time, we will add the answers to our Question/Answer page. This will also supercharge others' efforts to blast away nail fungus, swiftly and with better results! 😉